Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where be the treaure?

Have made it, and within deadline, to the last topic to be covered by this course - geocaching. It seems to be like a modern day or technological version of orienteering. I have several vague childhood memories of orienteering. It was obviously something my parents were interested in, but not very good at, as I recall getting lost (as a family unit) on more than one occasion. I clearly remember that one time we couldn't even locate the park where all of the participants were supposed to be meeting for lunch!
I like the idea of having a cache inside the library and using geocaching as part of a school holiday programme or CBW activity. To overcome the problem of children not owning a GPS-enabled devise you could make it a "fun for the whole family" concept. Some sort of geocaching activity could also be used to promote the new location of the Success Library when it relocates.

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